Monday, August 18, 2014


 Cottonmouths are very dangerous, but they are nice if you treat them well.

 If you do see a cottonmouth you have to back down and leave it alone.  Most snakes bite when people try to kill them, catch them by hand, or push them with a broom or any other tool. So just leave the snake alone or call a pro.

Their habitat is being cut down, so we need to plant trees and keep rivers, lakes and swamps clean.

Cottonmouths are important because they eat smaller snakes, and sometimes dead animals.


  1. Scientists are helping cottonmouths by making money and buying the habitat where trees grow and they buy seeds and those trees are special because they have one seed everyday, and scientist plant them everyday.
  2. Leave cottonmouths alone, picking up or trying to kill a snake can be one sure way of being bitten. In the Florida series, about 10 people per year were bitten by a cottonmouth while reaching over the side of a boat to pull up a string of fish. Cottonmouths inflict most of their bite under the water, on top of the water, or near the water.
  3. "Never wear open-toed shoes or sandals and be cautious, watch your step.  But, the number one piece of advice I can offer to those who don’t want to get bitten by a Cottonmouth (or any other venomous snake, for that matter) is to never try to catch, kill, or otherwise bother these animals.   There’s a reason why the number one place for a person to get bit by a venomous snake is on their hands, and it is not because they have Cottonmouths in their pockets." Dr. David Steen (e-mail), wildlife ecologist.
  4. If you find a cottonmouth and want to get rid of it, call a professional or get a snake trap.


The problem with cotton mouths is that people don't like them because they are one of the most dangerous snakes and some people kill them and even eat them.

People are taking away they their habitat and cutting trees to make all kinds of stuff to sell, and to build houses or farms and then they get surprised that the cotton mouth  is there and some farmers shoot them or kill them to protect their animals, but there is one farmer that I know that gives snakes and all animals a chance.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Eye Vision

Cottonmouths cannot see well or hear well. A cottonmouth uses its tongue to taste the air to track the closest thing that he wants. His tongue finds the way!

Life Motorcycle

Water moccasins could have up to 20 babies at a time. Cottonmouths are oviviparous which means the eggs stay inside the mom for 3 to 4 months.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

good for cotton bad for preyssssssssssssss

Cottonmouths wait near their prey very still hide themselves and they are fast to strike the prey, if he gets it, it's munch time!!!

In this video a cottonmouth is trying to get some fish but when he is out of energy he decides to go to another river that has easier fish to catch.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

habitat slithering

  • People are scared to see cottonmouths because they are one of the most dangerous snakes.
  • But people don't see them often because they live in swamps and wet areas.
  • More people see them now, because they loose their habitat or move to find wet areas or swamps if their house gets dry.